f someone were to ask you what it means to be a good friend how would you answer? Would any of your friends come to mind as an example? Would you consider yourself to be a good friend? While there are many different ways to be a good friend, there are a handful of consistent traits that you’ll generally find in anyone who is one as well. The good news? These are traits that can…
When the topic of mental health arises, we are often left with a long list of things we can “do” to assist or improve our mental health. While there are a variety of actions and activities that are beneficial to our mental health, sometimes doing less is just as effective a remedy. Although the concept of rest in general seems easy, fewer and fewer of us have mastered that skill in a society that…
Since the beginning of time, our world and its societies have been faced with tremendous challenges and life-altering events. Through conflicts, natural disasters, and other unforeseen obstacles, humanity has stumbled forward to bring us to the current moment in time. Despite our magnificent strides forward as a human collective, there is no denying that we still face an enormous amount of issues that cause great concern. At times, it may feel incredibly overwhelming and even…
Work can be stressful. Even for those of us who love and enjoy our jobs, it’s common to experience workplace stress. If you’ve felt pressure to complete a project, meet performance expectations, or impress your boss, you’re most certainly not alone. Although most of us don’t have the option to simply not work, there are ways of more effectively managing stress at work. Keep reading while we discuss 5 ways you can reduce workplace stress…
Knowing how to proceed in family relationships of any kind is a skill that must be learned and relationships with parents, especially as adults, are no exception. When dealing with painful circumstances, it’s normal to feel unsure of how to respond. Even with lots of relationship practice under our belt, family conflicts have a way of triggering our earliest wounds and occasionally causing us to feel off balance. Luckily, there are ways to…