5 Tips for Dating After Divorce

5 Tips for Dating After Divorce


  Going through a divorce is not easy. In even the gentlest of circumstances, it can be life-altering, painful, transformational, and at times debilitating. That being said, it is quite natural for us to desire companionship and even partnership post-divorce whether it’s sooner than you think or after a bit of time. Done with intention and care, dating after divorce can be a beautiful step towards healing and growth. We’ve compiled a handful of our…

A Guide to Setting Healthy Goals

A Guide to Setting Healthy Goals


“New year, new me!” If you’ve managed to go without hearing that phrase until now, congratulations. As we turn the page to a New Year, it’s common to have feelings about the highly idealized topic of resolutions and goal setting. While it is healthy and good to have goals to work toward, a lot of important nuance about the reason we set goals and what it truly requires to reach them is left out of…

emotional support

When to Ask For Support


As we move through life, sometimes we lose track of how we’re truly feeling during the day-to-day until we come up for air and realize we’re drowning. Adding in the fact that Western society is very individualistic, it’s not always easy to recognize the value of asking for support or knowing when the right time to do so is. Despite the “do it yourself” mentality that we are fed, surrounding yourself with community and leaning…

3 Benefits of Premarital Counseling

3 Benefits of Premarital Counseling


    Thinking about getting married? During this exciting, transitional time in relationships, it may not seem like the default reaction to bring up marriage counseling. However, studies show that couples who participate in premarital counseling have significantly higher rates of marital satisfaction and lower rates of divorce than those who opt out of premarital counseling. While choosing whether or not to complete premarital counseling is an individual choice that each couple must make on…


Coping with Divorce


Divorce is not typically an easy experience for anyone. Whether amicable or otherwise, divorce can bring about tremendous change that affects all areas of one’s life and is considered to be a major life event. Sometimes divorce is a surprise, and sometimes it is the most compassionate resolution after marriage counseling and other intense efforts. Today, we’ll discuss five healthy ways to cope with divorce, no matter the circumstances.   Find a Support System  …

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