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How to Cope with Holiday Blues
The “most wonderful time of the year” isn’t always that way for everyone. If you’re someone who experiences seasonal depression or winter blues, then it can be difficult to resonate with everyone’s cheer. This can lead to feeling guilty about “being a grinch” but it’s important to know that holiday blues are extremely real and your experience is just as valid as those who seem to find the sparkle in the holiday season…
How to Cultivate a Habit of Thankfulness
When you see people in your life who radiate positivity and gratitude, it’s easy to assume that they are that way naturally. However, the truth is that anyone who is truly committed to these traits knows that exemplifying them on a regular basis is a matter of practice. Just like any other habit, being thankful is one that you must intentionally build over time. As you progress it may become easier, but it takes effort….
The Benefits of Community on Mental Health
We often hear a lot about the word community but less frequently are we given bite-sized understandings of the real benefits of community. We know it’s important, yet perhaps it would be easier to commit if we understood why it was so important to us specifically. When referring to a community , it’s often framed as “other people” and while it does involve others, it includes the individual too. The healthier we are as…